lunedì 3 settembre 2012

Video Call (Fail)

Hey guys! long time didn't post any story since 14 August because i got 2 weeks holiday, and i spend my shitiiy holiday in my Grandma house. well yeah actually i should post it 2 days ago but i just forget it and well i'm stuck with my homework.
so for this post i well tell you about "Video call" sounds weird but hope you guys enjoy my story:)
so i was doing my video call with one of my "Poo" after from airport..and it was very awkward because i was talking face to face with my "Poo" and there is my parents wave their hand and smiling. but "Poo" still enjoy it:) anyway, "Poo" really close with my little brother. but at first time i teach him how to make this video call look very funny, so i teach him some style from girlband (it doesn't mean i like girlband-__-) like..hmm he should copy my movement. and i told "Poo" to stay like that until 10 second. so he just do it and......Dang! i just printscrene it.
and my second Video call with my cousin, She name is Meli and i don't know why i like to do this when i go video call with everyone. it's just for fun but...................why this person still follow what i'm saying to her. i just tell her to stay act like what i'm saying and she just follow me, actually i'm an ignorant-__- but seriously in every video call there is something i should make it look very funny..
well then, this is the result.
This is how we called "Badass"

but, sorry for what i've done-__- i just like it, so it wouldn't make the video call look very bored. and they still can stay in webcam for a long time because they think your a fun people:) you guys have to try it! but remember 1 thing "don't too much":)
now is 20:56 and i will go for my next video call with one of my friend, so goodbye and enjoy
your video call : )

martedì 14 agosto 2012

"Call Me Maybe"- Carlie Rae Jepsen(cover lipsync)

This is our new video, this video is not really cool like everyone else because we use Windows Live Movie Maker for editing this video. but i hope everybody enjoy the video :) i do like comment, likes, and subscribe of course lol XD
(P.s if don't mind, would you like to help me to share this video maybe? :P)
okay Thankyou guys hope you like my first video and Have a nice day!
byebye grazie! :*

lunedì 30 luglio 2012

Keputusan, Alasan, dan Ingatan.

"Mencari keputusan" ya itulah topik post gue di july ini.
mungkin gue udah ga nge-blog karena gue sibuk, ngurusin semua hidup yang seluruh hidupnya mau di urusin.
ada suatu benda hidup yang gue incar dari bulan lalu dan baru saja kemarin dibeli. coba tebak....
hamster. ya itu dia benda hidupnya
tapi bukan minan autis bernama Zhu Zhu pet yang berbentuk hamster yang kalau perutnya di teken bunyi "gyogyogee" -__-
kali ini hamster beneran, setelah kematian Giant (hamster) yang mati saat gue  kelas 4. gue jadi menginginkan sebuah hamster untuk kedua kalinya. kemarin gue ke moi gue ngeliat ada anjing cihuahua di dalam kandang pet shop.
pas masuk pintu toko petshop gue ngomong kenceng2.
dan spontan semua orang ngeliat ke arah gue, lalu  melihat kandang sebelah ada anjing kecil dan spontan gue ngomong lagi sambil melotot ke anjing nya karena anjing nya ngeliat gue.
dan kali ini semua orang benar2 ngeliat gue sampai tiba2 penjual tokonya nanya "dek mau beli apa?"
singkat cerita, kebelilah ini hamster dan nyokap ngajak makan. sehabis makan kita pulang dan gue mikirin nama buat 2 hamster gue ini.
tadinnya mau "clover & buster" tapi buster nya itu kaya nama anjing. kalau "gamo & mameshiba" terlalu ke jepang-jepangan kan gue ga kawaii. 
hampir 15 menit mikirin ini doang, akhirnya muncul lah nama " Spiky & Spike" walaupun spike nya itu nama anjing di Tom n Jerry. bodolah siapa peduli asal hamster nya lucu org pun tertarik.
main sama hamster ini cukup ngebuat gue gila, apa karena hamsternya autis? masalahnya kandang hamster gue cukup besar (bukan sombong) tapi kerjaan hamster gue itu manjatin jaring2 kandang trus menghempaskan dirinya kebelakang kaya mau salto tapi jadinya jatuh yang fail.
gue ngisi mangkok kecil dengan makanan hamster setelah di tinggal beberapa menit itu mangkok udh dalam keadaan terbalik dan dalemnya berserakan. kini gue merasa bingung, apa kah tempat makan nya ga layak?
sebenarnya gue make mangkok pudding dari plastik biar hemat, dan gue bermain sejenak.
tiba2 abang gue dateng trus ngomong " Tir, nanti hamsternya jangan di kasih makan buah atau sayur asem ya!" gue bingung tuh gue nanya "emang aku pernah ngasih makan hamster pake sayur asem?" abang gue jawab"tuh, si Giant dulu lo kasih makan sayur asem" gue diem. apakah Giant mati di sebabkan oleh sayur asem gue? ini ga masuk akal.
setelah gue ingat2 kembali Giant mati karena ada 3 alasan yg berbeda. alesan nyokap bilang "dia mati karena digigitin semut terus", alesan kakak gue" dia mati karena di tusuk sama anak pembantu gue pake tusuk gigi waktu gue tinggal di Kalimantan" dan alasan gue"dia mati karena sayur asem gue".
gatau kenapa kejadian ini gamau gue ulang di 2 hamster ini, 
tapi jika hamster ini mati tanpa sebab, mungkin bukan karena sayur asem atau semut atau tusuk gigi.
tapi mungkin karena dia udh keterusan memjatuhkan badan nya.
sehingga ngebuat dia jadi gagal perut. 
sudah sore dan bentar lagi buka puasa gue harus menyudahi post ini.
selamat berbuka wahai orang islam! semoga makanan nya diberkahi amin...
byebyee grazie!

sabato 30 giugno 2012


Do you know why life is very complicated?
because everything make it complicated such like my holiday now. sometimes it make me
very bored, angry, even happy. but i don't know why. everything seems weird and stupid
in my eyes.
having a long holiday in my grandma house and stuck in my bed. my cousin playing with lamp (like turn off the lamp and than turn on the lamp and laughing like they are the only one in the house) and punch me with pillow
and doesn't sleeping until morning because they make a stupid story about something impossible.
god.......should i still alive?
and my cousin she name is Meli, she like to see my phone when i don't use it. and she always open my facebook, twitter, msn, or maybe anything in my phone. why she open my phone? i don't know because she say it's fun to see my phone everyday. not just saw my all social messanger..SHE OPEN MY PICTURE TOO!!
and my twinny cousin Daffa & Raffa have a different personality. Daffa is fussy and naughty and Raffa is annoying and like to screaming but sometimes they're seems nice.
they just look fine in my heart, but my eyes say no they don't. Let's die.
this night my cousin just singing" YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL OO WHAT MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL OO!!" beside my ear.
and i just lying in my bed looking at my phone and writing in my every social messanger like "ssttt can you just stop making a noisy beside my ear?!!"
and everybody doesn't understand.
and my cousin stop making a noisy when Taha say in msn "I love you:*" for my 2 cousin. and then Raffa yelling "EEEW I'M NOT HOMO!!" and i stop to smile.-. and looking at Raffa weirdly.
and then they playing and i'm listening music.
yasterday i just promise to stop talking about 2 humans that make me crazy, who is them? of course a boy who make my cousin get crazy.
and i believe that i can forget them but my cousin still say it everytime non-stop. and make me remember and than remember about the promise. such like telling a dream, even imagination. about how can i close with boy and how can i feel what is love mean.
it make me i was in fanatsy place like in cinderella story or maybe sleeping beauty. haha anyway nice try, the story make me feel like i was a jerk.
and then try to hide from my another cousin (not tell the name)who very interesting to meet a little prince who is my friend in Turkey and he is in the same class when i stay in Karsiyaka.
she's screaming just because see the picture and think that he is my cousin husband. ha ha girls.
and 1 thing that you should know, i feel the world is taken by a children who fall in love in the wrong way and kill all the teenager mind because they just think world is full of prince and princess fall in love.
now, they make a serious story about it. but i'm so sorry my brain said " how to run from everything?"
i love my cousin. they telling me about turkish boy and they repeat the story until i feel i wan't to kill both of them-_-
but i still love how they make my moodbooster come back and don't feel alone.
anyway it's passed night and it goes to midnight an then i have to answer all my mention from friend and saw my stupid notification about farmville or another stupid games like "hey 'blabla' just ask you to join in farmville!" b**ch shut up.
i want to passed my relax night: ]
Bye Bye Grazie!

sabato 26 maggio 2012

Tenth People who always in 'coeur'

i love everyone.
but i have some people that i think they are always in "<3" here. whenever they are.
the first one is Mom. sometimes she is the most annoying person in my live, but..i cannot stop thinking about her when i'm alone in some place without her and she is the first one who talk with me at the night when i need her.
and the second is Father. he is such my hero in my family, and i dont care what people say about my father. he always be here.
and the third is The tim Api Unggun(femy,kanya,nissa,sheila). without them i'm nothing, when i have trouble in school god help me to find them in one place. sometimes i get angry with them but i cannot angry too long, because they are important in my live.
and the fourth is Meryem. i know it's hard to meet her again because she live in another country, but you cannot guess how much i love her. i feel she is like my twin when i'm in Turkey. but she is the first one who make me laugh everyday and we love to stalking facebook and throwing gravel into the sea.
and the fifth is Bilo. i dont know why i choose him to be my favorite person in my live, but actually he is my favorite person in my live..he have a good sense of humor and very nice to talk with him. and when i talk with him there is something unique at the massage. and he is a comfortable person, he always be there.
and the sixth is Big Brother. he is the most gadfly person. but you know i love him more than anything.
and the seventh is Citra. she is my old friend, but she always make me laugh when i get bored, we never meet again since we study in different school. but i still believe that she always remember me.
and the eighth is Anita. she's from Poland but she can keep your secret everyday when you need her to vent. i love her because she mean for me.
and the ninth is Grandma. i've already make my Grandma glad because i've already make her very happy just because i'm dancing. she always make me happy.
and the last is Iva. she is my cousin, and she is one of my cousin who close with me. she have a good sense of humor and always make me comfort to talk with her. she like maintaining reptiles and playing Ameba Pico.
so that's all the person who always in my 'coeur' and always in there whenever i need them. 
just one thing that you should know "you cannot guess how much i love them more than anything that i have"
thankyou for reading. bye bye and GRAZIEE! : ]

lunedì 14 maggio 2012

new application in Facebook

produk terbaru yang sudah dikeluarkan Facebook tahun ini, quess what??? sekarang kita sudah bisa chat di video call sama hal nya seperti lo chat di Skype. Application ini baru2 ini dibuat agar memudahkan penguna Facebook tidak harus repot membuat Skype hanya untuk Video call saja.
semua berawal dari saat gue masih di Turkey, dan Meryem sedang sibuk bermain dengan laptopnya gue lewat di sampingnya and then tiba2 dia ketawa sendiri sambil ngeliat layar laptop, dan gue hanya memasang tampang yang ngiranya dia sedeng.
gue mendekat dan........oh dia lagi webcam-an sama temen nya, tapi anehnya kok di facebook ya?
akhirnya gue bertanya dengan Meryem, dan dia memberitahu gue kalau di Facebook sudah di buat new application yang bisa ngebantu lo video call in facebook tanpa harus ngebuat akun skype. nice..
akhirnya gue terhipnotis dan punya niat untuk coba apps baru ini.
ya 1 bulan kemudia bulan baru yaitu bulan May. tiba, dan inisiatif itu teringat lagi saat Bilal menyuruh gue unutk webcam-an, awalnya dia yg ngajak dan ternyata gue harus install dulu...
what theeee fffffuuu........
Meryem gak ngasih tau soal ini -__- akhirnya laptop gue kena virus dan download nya failed.
gue mungkin bakalan matahin laptop karena anti virus di laptop gue harus nunggu scan 1 jam lebih.. alhasil laptop gue virusan.
akhirnya udah lama gue melupakan apps ini, dan hingga akhirnya hari ini malem ini. kebetulan ada Adhel sama Ochan lagi ol. yaudah gue minta tolong dulu sama Adhel dan ternyata dia ol di hape, emang dasar nasib dia berhubungan sama nasib gue. akhirnya huuuuuuh ada Ochan.

T:can! cobadeh kamu teken gambar camera di paling atas sebelah namamu
O:emang itu apa tir?
T:itu buat webcaman can, eh aku aja deh yang duluan call you..answer ye
T:omg! can gue mesti install dulu!!!
O:yaudah instal lah
*10 menit meng-install*
T:gagal can elah! laptop ku malah virusan lagi
O:yaudah sini aku aja yang duluan
T:eh can gausah udah bisa kok! sekarang aku call kamu ya can, tapi di answer ngetest doang
*Ochan should installing the apps*
O:tir ternyata aku install dulu... ehehehehe
T: yaelaaaah!! buruan yak!

dan akhirnya apps ini berhasil kita download, akhirnya gue call ochan tiba2 ada suara piano dan ga aa orang di depan camera, dan ochan nutup cameranya pake tangan-___-
tapi Ochan baik loh mau bantuin thanks can! : ]
Bye Bye
Grazie! <3

venerdì 11 maggio 2012

Turkey! Part 5

this is some picture when i'm in Turkey, Enjoy!: ]
sorry if i put this picture without sequence
(1) Parade with another country
(2)The Concert!
(3)The Festival!
(4) before the concert
(5) Appear in Ozel Karsiyaka Koleji ( Nandak Ganjen-Betawi dance)
(6) Appear in Ozel Karsiyaka Koleji (Tifa-Papua dance)
(7)Appear in Ozel Karsiyaka Koleji (Saman-Aceh dance)
(8) Kak amar with student from Karsiyaka

(9)Learn about Turkish dance (after the show)
(10)Festival in Outlet centre
(11) Festival in Outlet centre
(12) At Kartepe with Meryem
(14)Separation, picture with Baba, Anne, Kubra, Meryem
(15) Separation, picture with Hakan
(16) at strait Bosphorus
(17)in Turkish delight shop
(18)at Aya shophia
(19)at Grandbazaar
(20)Istanbul airport, transit to Dubai and go to Jakarta

so this is my picture when i'm in Turkey, i have a lot of picture but i'm so sorry i cannot share more picture. okay bye bye Graziee!<33